Programe şi proiecte realizate sau în derulare
Proiectul Comenius CRITICart
School Multilateral Partnership 2013-2015
In this project students from Europe show that creativity, as a problem solving skill, is both a key competence on the labour market and a means to recognize individual prospects.
Seven schools of all types from all over Europe form a so-called “creative consortium”. This consortium consists of students from different countries and regions, of different languages and cultures, with different educational backgrounds, with and without disabilities. This diversity alone represents the individuality and uniqueness of every agent. These young people have all got one common goal: they want a chance for employment on the labour market and to be a valuable part of society.
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Proiectul lingvistic "Through uniqueness to better understanding" the language project between “Ion Borcea” Technical College in Romania and Alanta School of Technology and Business. The aims of the project are development of student foreign language communicational skills and their understanding of other European and their own culture and traditions. The main attention during the project activities will be focused on diverse national traditions in textile and food production and the way they are combined now with modern technologies. During student exchanges in Lithuania students will learn how to knit, embroider and crochet different details of clothes and table napkins in Lithuanian folk style, how to lay the table and how to cook some Lithuanian national meals. They will be taught by experienced teachers and by folk masters who are famous not only in Lithuania but in such foreign countries as Norway, France, Germany as well. The Romanian students will work in small groups together with Lithuanian students. On the occasion of the Romanian students’ visit to Lithuania in December they will be able to learn more about Lithuanian religion and Christmas traditions. The language of communication will be English but students will also learn basic Romanian and Lithuanian vocabulary respectively. During student exchange in Romania (in March 2007), students from Alanta will learn more about the textile in Romania, about the Romanian traditions and way of life. The end products of the project will be sets of table napkins in Romanian and Lithuanian styles and collection of recipes in Romanian, Lithuanian, Russian and English languages, illustrated with pictures.
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